Veterans Outreach Program

Providing Free Webmaster Training For Veterans

(Access Free Web Professional Training)

The mission of our Veteran’s Outreach Program is to honor and serve all veterans by providing free webmaster training to all verterans. Perhaps you are a veteran, have a loved one who has served, or you are just passionate about helping veterans; in any case, this country and much of the world has depended upon the brave men and women who were willing to risk their lives to protect the United States and freedom around the world. No other warrior in history can compare to the American soldier’s compassion and strength for answering the call to duty. They have endured the blood, guts, and glory of war worldwide, without complaint. You can get involved with our mission by spreading the word about our cause! Scroll down to access your free training.

How To Make a WordPress Website For Beginners

This video explains how to acquire web hosting, install WordPress for free, install themes and plug-ins for free, and create your logo for free. Then build your own professional website step by step.