WebYoda Webmaster courses and certifications provides the definitive Webmaster
certification standards accepted by more training centers, course developers,
and Internet professionals than any other. WebYoda is partnered with
WowAcademy.com and
WebmasterCertification.com who endorses our Webmaster
courses and certifications.
We are also recognized by
IEEE and
pioneers in computer, network, and Internet standards, as a charter
training organization committed to promoting true Internet standards. Our
Webmaster courses and certifications are strongly based on the
IEEE Standards 2001-1999
"IEEE Recommended Practice for Internet
Practices - Web Page Engineering - Intranet/Extranet Applications",
the WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, and the WOW certification
standards. We are determined to improve the quality of Webmasters with a
certification that holds real value. As a result, both our Certifications
and WOW's certifications allow potential clients or employers to have
confidence in your Webmaster skills.
In the academic world, Florida State University, in 1996, was
the first WebYoda Authorized Training Center, and helped define
the standard for the WebYoda certifications that exist today.
FSU endorsed the use of our certification curriculum by using
our Webmaster certification courses exclusively for their
Webmaster certification program.